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Licenses for your pet

This article pertains to the requirements and regulations regarding getting a city license or a county license for your dog. All rules and requirements for receiving a dog license are determined and set by the city and county. We are required to follow them. All fees and penalties are set by the city or county…

Feline Age Calculator

Use this calculator to find out just how old your cat is in human years. The more your cat weighs the more he ages every year. Age (yrs.) 0 – 20 1 7 2 13 3 20 4 26 5 33 6 40 7 44 8 48 9 52 10 56 11 60 12 64…

Canine Age Calculator

Use this calculator to find out just how old your dog is in human years. The more your dog weighs the more he ages every year. Age (yrs.) 0 – 20 21 – 50 51 – 90 > 90 1 7 7 8 9 2 13 14 16 18 3 20 21 24 26 4…

Bark if it Hurts

The physiological method of pain perception is similar in humans and many pets. Therefore, if you think this injury, procedure or illness would cause you pain or discomfort, then it will probably be the same for your pet. Dogs and cats display a wide variety of responses to pain. Some may vocalize their pain, while…

My what big teeth you have!

Dental care is very important at Walker Veterinary Hospital. Most pet owners are surprised to learn about the need for dental care for their animals. That probably explains why we see so many dental problems that could have been prevented. With proper care, your dog or cat should have its teeth for life and should…

The Geriatric Patient

Growing older is a fact of life that we all deal with. Most of us would like to grow old gracefully. Proper diet, vitamins, and regular medical check-ups are a basic part of our lives. But what about our pets? Did you know that dogs at six years of age are considered forty years old…

Flea Product Comparison

Side by side comparison of Advantage and Program. ADVANTAGE PROGRAM Used about every 21 days on cats and 30 days on dogs. Given once monthly to dogs & cats. If animal is bathed every week, recommend Adv. be used every other week. Bathing with shampoo removes Adv. from surface of skin Bathing has no effect…

Win the War on Fleas

Use these helpful tips to help you combat fleas around your home and yard and win the war on fleas. PICK UP ITEMS OFF THE CARPET such as magazines, toys (from under furniture, beds, closet floors) and other small articles. IF YOUR PET HAS FLEAS AT THE TIME OF TREATMENT…bring him/her to us for a conditioning…

My pet isn’t sick. Why do I need to Vaccinate?

Rather, why not? In humans, smallpox has been eradicated by aggressive vaccination programs. Polio is a rarity. And measles, once virtually eliminated from the U.S., is on the rise again. This is because the vaccine programs have diminished. Clearly, vaccinations work and are especially desirable for dogs and cats. Prevention of diseases by vaccination is…

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

In the last few years increasing research has discovered a higher potential for humans being exposed to parasites carried by our pets than previously thought. This evidence has changed Walker Veterinary Hospital’s recommendations for the need for parasite detection and control All common pet parasites can have the potential of being passed to humans, especially…